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Las historias de arena y las actuaciones de arena únicas de Ilana, cautivan emocionalmente a su audiencia

“The Lavazza presence at Salone del Gusto of Turin was a great success, and your artwork was highly appreciated by the public and journalists,  and it has contributed to achieving very good results for the Company’s presence during this event.”


—    Francesca Lavazza

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Anuncios de animación de arena

Creating commercials with sand art is a great way to convey a message emotionally and compellingly. The essence of this technique is about taking different products and brands and amplifying their value. This is through a neutral form of art in which the viewers can connect to.

Through many years of experience Ilana Yahav has become an expert in translating abstract ideas into clear messages through sand stories. These have been utilized in different mediums such as TV, Internet, billboards, and more. Explore some examples below.

Transforming Brand Messages Into Sand Stories

Lieken Urkorn of Barilla

Client brief:

Commercial Message:

- Traditional methods

- Handmade

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Sand Animation Commercials
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Espectáculos personalizadas

Las obras de arena de Ilana Yahav son espectaculares por derecho propio, pero nos dejan sin aliento cuando vemos su creación y evolución allí mismo en el escenario!
Sobre una mesa de arena con iluminación de fondo, Ilana “hace su magia” mientras una cámara de vídeo instalada arriba transmite la obra emergente en vivo a una pantalla gigante, contemplada por un público casi en trance hipnótico que parece fusionarse con su personalidad durante la creación.En sus presentaciones, Ilana logra extraer lo mejor de cada obra, y...

Sobre el escenario, ante nosotros, la arena se vuelve magia

Corporate & Performances
Music Productions
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Animaciones de arena para videoclips y conciertos

Musicians from all over the world have collaborated with Ilana to create a unique experience for their audience. They do that by incorporating their original music with Ilana's art in live performances on stage or in music videos.

Check out some examples below.

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Anuncios de animación de arena

Live sand art performances using Zoom for companies and organizations.

Streaming live from her studio, Ilana draws on sand and creates a tailored made show: for any audience, any time, wherever you are. 

Ilana uses 2 cameras so you can watch the sand art and Ilana simultaneously. It almost feels like you're in the venue with her!  

Like in any performance, Ilana tells her unique emotional stories from her own life, together with humor. Tears and laugh. 

Not like in her other shows, the Zoom app allows a 1:1 communication with the audience. 

People can ask questions, or even ask for special drawing, live.

Sand Animation Live with Zoom
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Tel: +972-52-9771272


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